Step 1: If you are in possession of physical tickets – return your completed ticket stubs to Fundraising Manager, Derian House Children’s Hospice, Chancery Rd, Astley Village PR7 1DH
Please make sure to provide your full contact details in BLOCK CAPITALS.
Return by Friday 20th June – and don’t forget a stamp!
Step 2: If you received your tickets through the post, please make sure to complete both sides of the reply slip.
Step 3: If paying by cheque, please make them payable to Derian House Children’s Hospice.
Alternatively, you can fill in your debit card details on the reply slip you get with your letter.
Please note: only debit cards can be accepted in line with gambling regulations.
Step 4: As soon as payment is received, your tickets will be entered into the draw!
Online entries
Simply visit and follow the simple instructions to complete the entry form by Friday Friday 20th June 2025.
When ordering online, an order confirmation will be sent to your email address with your ticket numbers. You will not receive a physical ticket.
As soon as payment is received, your tickets will be entered into the draw!
During 2022 our Lottery raised £691,686. From these proceeds :
18.1% was used for our expenses / administration of the Lottery.
18.1% was paid in prizes.
63.8% was returned directly to the charity for services that we provide for babies, children and young adults with life-limiting or life-shortening conditions.
These figures do not include our Summer 2023 raffle, these figures will be included in our 2023 Lottery proceeds.
Every individual entry has the same chance of winning. Going off the current amount of tickets distributed to our supporters – the odds of winning a prize are 1 in 6847. This is subject to change as some tickets may remain unsold.
Tickets will be entered into the draw once fully completed tickets stubs and reply slips have been returned to Derian House Children’s Hospice before Friday 20th June and the whole payment has been received.
We will not inform you if your entry is rejected.
Online Entries:
Once all the necessary fields have been completed on the entry form by Friday Friday 20th June and payment has been received, you will be enter into the draw. On successful entry, you will receive an order confirmation with your tickets numbers identified.
If you feel you may be susceptible to gambling problems and would like to ask that you are excluded from the Raffle, please contact our fundraising team 0127 271 271 or download the below form and once complete email to: